COVID-19 Statement

To our loyal and valued customers,

During this ongoing public health crisis facing our country and the world, we at Aria Double Reeds would like to take a moment to recognize the fears and anxiety that our customers are facing on a daily basis. We also want to reassure you that any product coming from us, from instruments to accessories, will be cleaned and sterilized before it leaves our shop. No one at Aria Double Reeds has shown any symptoms or has been exposed to anyone who has contracted COVID-19 and we plan to keep it that way. Here are the steps that we are taking to ensure that we are keeping you, our customers, safe and healthy as well:

As a home-based business, we have been extra cautious with regards to interactions with people and packages that we encounter. We’ve basically been in self-quarantine since March 13th, and we are strictly following all guidelines put forth from the CDC, WHO, and the state of Maryland’s health department regarding social distancing and sanitation. We have not allowed customers to come for in-person appointments since March 14. All packages that arrive to us are wiped down with disinfectant and then quarantined for at least one week before being opened. This procedure is strictly being followed for all bocals and instruments that have returned from a trial with a customer.

All reeds are fully immersed in hydrogen peroxide and allowed to fully air dry before they are packaged and shipped to you. Feel free to repeat the process once you receive the reeds if it makes you feel more comfortable.

For instrument and bocal trials, our standard 5-7 day trial period will be extended to a 7-10 day trial to allow time for the instrument to rest/acclimate at your residence to allow for any potential virus on the box or instrument to clear. The instrument will be cleaned and wiped down prior to being shipped to you. We recommend that you wipe down the outside of the box with disinfectant when you receive the instrument since we cannot guarantee the steps being taken by UPS and their drivers.

Should you or anyone around you become sick during the trial or have been exposed to COVID-19, please notify us immediately so the necessary precautions and actions can be taken.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at any time! We wish that all of you remain healthy and safe.